In Loving Memory of Mr.Charles Earl Smith

Sunset: October 14, 2023
Charles Earl Smith was born to Scottie Smith Sr. and Lela Williams Smith
on January 10, 1942 in Bryan, Texas. He attended Bryan Public Schools in
the era prior to desegregation. As a pastor’s son, he accepted Christ at an
early age. He was faithful to God serving in the church all his life. He
married the love of his life, Minnie Louise Neblett, August 21, 1965. Charles
served under the leadership of Rev. M.H. Harris and Rev. Edward Finley at
West Union Baptist Church. He served as trustee and deacon, where he
worked diligently to lead the renovation of the church at that time. He is
credited with being instrumental in the beautiful transformation of edifice
and exterior. Evidence of that project is still evident today. In later years
after being called to preach, he joined Mount Nebo Baptist Church under
the leadership of Dr. C.L. King, where he served in ministry until his health
declined. He took great pride in being active in ministry at his church.
“Charlie” the Family Man and Friend
Anyone who truly knew Charles can attest to his love and devotion to
family. He was a proud ‘Smithy’ and he always acknowledged his lineage.
He was a loyal son to his parents. He was always present to care for his
father and put forth great effort to check on him and help as needed. If ever
there was a big brother, it was Charles Smith! Charles Earl was present to
meet the needs of his siblings, whether it was money, time, or support of
any kind. His generosity was something he demonstrated and spared no
expense. The only way to make him truly angry was to mess with his
people. He adored his nieces, nephews, uncles, and aunts. Family
enjoyed the laughter, jokes and stories told at family gatherings. He could
tell the stories in a way that made you relive the moment whether you were
there or not. His thunderous voice and spirited laughter would make you
laugh just to hear him chuckle.
The family on both sides have fun memories of domino games, where he
was known for his trash talking! Also when the family played softball, you
could count on his swing and run to base in boots (never sneakers).
He was a friend to many throughout his life. He never knew a stranger and
was never afraid to tell it like it really was. He was known to lend a helping
hand. Those who came to know him could not help but love him. His
genuine spirit, infectious smile, and kind words drew people to his
presence. From meeting him for coffee at McDonalds or grabbing a burger
at THE Whataburger maybe even walking past him in WalMart you always
knew when Charlie was in the place.
Charles the Entrepreneur
Charles believed in hard work and had one of the strongest work ethics to
be found. He was not afraid of hard work and was always thinking of his
next business concept. He tried things that were not common for a black
man in his lifetime, especially in the 1970s and 1980s. He first got his start
as a young and talented bartender, a profession he shared alongside his
olde, Scottie Jr. He also owned his own industrial cleaning service where
he and his family worked to clean numerous businesses. He was well
known for his business relationships. In the late 1970s, he decided to buy a
skating rink. He was the first minority to own Skateland skating rink. The
rink gave him the chance to give something special to the black children in
the community. Many came from miles around the Brazos Valley to enjoy
their time at the skating rink. In the mid 80’s, he and his wife, Minnie
decided to open a soul food restaurant and named in C&M Restaurant.
C&M drew crowds of faith customers until the business was sold. He never
stopped thinking and dreaming about his next venture. We are sure he is
now in heaven pitching ideas about the design of his mansion.
Charles the Man of God
Though Rev. Smith began his ministry late in life, he preached like his life
depended on spreading the message of Jesus Christ. He preached
whether on the phone or in person, you never left feeling the same. He
would take requests for songs, as he was well known for his dynamic
singing. He did special requests on demand and was always happy to
oblige. His most requested song was “Trouble in My Way” and boy could
he sing that song! He loved to sing, but he also loved his favorite songs,
Glory Glory, Little Church on the Hill and I Can See Clearly Now.
Charles’ Legacy
Charles was preceded in death by his wife of 31 years, Minnie Neblett
Smith, his parents Rev. Scottie and Mrs. Lela Smith; his brothers, Scottie
Smith Jr, Robert Lee Smith, and Roy Lee Smith; his sisters, Minnie Smith
Durens, Delores Smith Neblett, Corene Smith, and Erma Smith; great-
granddaughter Nikkianna Caldwell . He has left loved ones to cherish his
memory, sons Ronald Caldwell, Frederick Caldwell (Trudy) and beloved
daughter Dr. Angela Abney of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; granddaughters
Melissa Harris (Erick) of Edmond, Oklahoma, Courtney McQueen (Sean) of
Cypress, Texas, Alexis Abney of Cypress, Texas, Lakethia Caldwell of
Lafayette, Louisiana, Sara Caldwell of Lafayette, Louisiana and Jaylee
Caldwell of Bryan, Texas ; grandsons Johnathan Caldwell of College
Station, Texas and Avery Caldwell of Bryan, Texas, sisters Ella Chatham
(Waymon) of Bryan, Texas and Ada Smith of San Antonio, Texas; brothers
Rev. Troy Smith (Wanda) of Austin, Texas and Rev. Elmer Smith (Sharon)
of Bryan, Texas; brother-in-law Rev. Willie Wiggins of Killeen, Texas and
three sisters-in-law Naomi Johnson of Bryan,Texas, Velma Spivey of
Cypress, Texas and Doris Guyden (Robert) of Parker, Texas. He was
blessed with seven great grandchildren as his legacy; Johnathan Caldwell
Jr., Jonah Hicks (Little Charles), Everly McQueen and Olivia Harris,
Sar’reyon Caldwell, Kholbee Caldwell and Jabori Caldwell and a host of
nieces and nephews on both sides of the Smith and Neblett families.
Funeral Services will be held on Friday, October 20, 2023 at 11:00A.M. at Peaceful Rest Missionary Baptist Church located at 1508 Congo Street, Bryan, Texas 77803
Visitation Services will be held on Thursday, October 19, 2023 from 4:00P.M. until 7:00P.M. at Daniel & Son Funeral Home located at 401 W 18th Street Bryan, Texas 77803
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