
In Loving Memory of John Eades Coleman,Jr


John Coleman was reunited with his Lord and family on February 17, 2024. 

John was born in Greenwood, Mississippi, on December 10, 1939, to John Coleman and Elizabeth Eades. (Preceded in death.) He graduated from the Mississippi School for the Deaf. John spent most of his adult life with his sister and brother in law, Jane and Keith (Preceded in death.) While living in Bryan, TX, he worked at the Alenco Window Factory. John loved spending time with his family and their many pets. He worked with and helped care for the horses, donkeys and dogs. John enjoyed watching and taking pictures of the wildlife in their backyard, he especially enjoyed the deer, but he really enjoyed feeding the raccoons! 

Before John’s sister(Jane) passed, she had always worried that John would be alone, but God sent him his guardian angel Karen Dolliver, who was so kindhearted,supported,and loving, and a best friend to John, who assisted with his everyday living needs from the day his sister, went to be with the Lord until John took his last breath on this earth. If there is anyone that has earned her crown of glory, that would be “Karen”. 

John loved football, baseball and pretty much anything outdoors. He was a fierce Christmas decorator, which was truly appreciated by the kids next door! They introduced him to Halloween, and shall we say, the game was on, he soon looked forward to decorating for Halloween with just about as much gusto as Christmas! John was fun loving and quite often full of mischief, bringing laughter to most situations. He is survived by his close cousin Aden Pryor, his guardian angel and her family, Karen, numerous other cousins and friends. He is preceded in death by his Parents, and dear Sister. He loved his family dearly, and will be missed by all who knew him. 

Betty Robinson

February 21st, 2024

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