Our Mission Statement

Our Mission Statement

It is the mission of the Daniel & Son Funeral Home to serve others as we would be served, to assist in the recognition of the value of a life lived and to facilitate meaningful ways for the family and community to celebrate the memory of their loved one.  In doing so we ...

Daniel & Son Funeral Home

March 8th, 2014


Has a death occurred?

Has a death occurred?

If you’ve recently experienced a death in your family and need to make immediate arrangements, we’re here to help. Please click here for our current contact information. You may also call us at (979) 822-2841. The information provided will help the staff of ...

Daniel & Son Funeral Home

October 21st, 2013


Honoring Loved Ones

Honoring Loved Ones

Daniel & Son Funeral Home understands honoring the life of your loved one speaks directly to the relationship you shared. Our experience, coupled with our perspective on the importance of ceremony, will help you discover ways to pay tribute to your loved one. We look ...

Betty Robinson

October 8th, 2013

