
Friday, November 12, 2021 from 2 pm to 6 pm and Saturday November 13, 2021 from 10 am to 2:30 pm located at the Daniel and Son Funeral Home Chapel at 401 West 18th Street Bryan, Texas 77803

Funeral Services

Saturday, November 13, 2021 at 2:30 pm at the chapel of Daniel and Son Funeral Home located 401 West 18th Street Bryan Texas 77803


Sincere Jacoby Banks, born November 4th, 2017 Sincere, born in Bryan, Texas to Erica R. Williams and Kelvin J. Banks,went home to be with the Lord, November 6th 2021.Sincere aka Stank was an extremely happy child, he loved going on walks and being around his siblings. He loved being the center point of his brothers and sisters conversations as though he in control of things. He was as joy to be around and he made his presence known by his smile and heart felt laughing. He was the baby of the family, loved by all.  He will be greatly missed by all who had the opportunity to meet and know him.He is survived by his Mother and Father, brothers Trevian and Joshua, Sisters Kaniyha, Jamirah, Iryah and Naziri. Maternal Grandfather  Eric Randy Williams, Grandmother Felicia R. Martin and Great Grandmother. Paternal Grandmother Vy Voccia Calhoun,  Grandfather Kelvin J. Banks Sr., Aunts Talisha, Tanika, Toni, Regee and Regiana. Uncles, Devin, Trae, and Reginald Jr. A host of Cousins and Great Aunts and Uncles.


The family wishes to acknowledge a few special people that were with Sincere, daily. Sherry Watson, we pray you know how special you were to Sincere and the entire family.We would like acknowledge to the the BCS community for coming together for Sincere. Rosie Greenawalt , his caseworker, Petal Patch Florist – Elizabeth Humphries, for the flowers, River Bend Elementary,Pecan Trail Intermediate, Rhonda Pineda and all those who donated to the family. Thank you, All,