Corey Darnell Lewis, Sr., A.K.A. Nelson, was born to
Hazel Mae Green-McGowan and Nelson Lewis, Jr., on
November 30, 1986, in Bryan, Texas.
Nelson accepted Christ and was baptized at an early
age. He attended Abundant Life Ministries under the
leadership of Pastor Della Colvin. He attended Mt.
Nebo Baptist Church. He attended Bryan Public School
System and graduated from the Adult Learning Center.
He continued his education at Blinn College and received
certificates for welding and CDL.
Nelson worked as an equipment operator and a commercial
truck driver in Odessa, Texas. Nelson loved his children and
loved spending time with them.
He was preceded in death by his father, grandparents, and
one sister, April McGowan. Nelson is survived by his mother,
Hazel McGowan; seven children, Corey, Jr., Cynaree, Devin,
Cordai, Ja’Neyiah, Cortlynn, Clarity; and the love of his
life and best friend, Loraine Grear. He has seven siblings,
Sara Colvin, Kris McGowan, Johonn McGowan, Kevin
McGowan, Rosetta Jackson, and Shalendria Lewis; and many
uncles, aunts, nieces, nephews, a host of other relatives, and
Visitation Service
Friday, February 25, 2022
2:00 P.M. – 6:00 P.M.
Daniel & Son
Funeral Home Chapel
401 West 18th Street
Bryan, Texas 77803
Funeral Service
Saturday, February 26, 2022
2:30 P.M.
Daniel & Son Funeral Home Chapel
Pastor Della Colvin, Eulogist
Abundant Life Ministries
1504 E. Alamo | Brenham, Texas 77833
To Loraine, Children & Family
Our memories span the years we shared, preserving ties that bind, They build a special bridge of love and bring us peace of mind. Thinking about you and wishing you courage to help see you through, day by day – and hoping your memories will warm your heart always and bring so much comfort your way.
With heartfelt sympathy and Love.
Robbie and Chong Robinson
My heart goes out to his family and friends. Lo and all of his children, Ms. Hazel and all of his siblings. I know you may not understand why, but trust that God has a plan for us all. Nelson would do anything for his children. Lolo and Nelson 18 yrs. That’s a long time to love someone. Only those close to you understand the relationship. May God bless you all. You are in my prayers.