Henderson, Steven
Mr. Steven” Pimpskinny” Henderson Sr. Steven Ramon Henderson,Sr. 36,of Bryan, Texas went home to glory on Sunday, January 26,2014,with family and friends by his side, when he drifted off to be with the Father Almighty. Visitation will be Friday, January 31, 2014 from ...
Smith, Mary
Mary Betty Smith of Wheelock, Texas passed on Wednesday, January 22, 2014 at St. Joseph Regional Health Center, located in Bryan, Texas. Funeral services will be held at 11:00 a.m.Saturday, February 01, 2014 at the New Elam Missionary Baptist Church in Hearne, Texas. ...
Jones IV, Mr. Arthur “Rusty” Russell
Mr. Arthur Russell Jones IV “Rusty”,62 passed on Saturday, March 22,2014 at his home surrounding by his wife and son and family members. Rusty was born on December 13,1951 in Evanston, Illinois to Arthur Russell Jones III and Ellen Jones At this time there is no services
Grismore, James Wiley
James Wiley Grismore was born in Tyler Texas on June 22, 1923 to Jim and Rachel Grismore. He attended Blackshear School in Hearne, Texas. He accepted Christ at an early age at St. Emanuel Missionary Baptist Church in Hearne, Texas. His memorial services will be held at ...
Pool, Ruby Lee
Mrs. Ruby Lee Pool Ruby Lee Pool,71 of Clay, Texas passed away August 11,2014 at St. Joseph Regional Health Center, located in Bryan, Texas. Funeral Services will be held on Saturday, August 16,2014 at 11:00a.m. at G.W. Williams Tabernacle, located on Waco, street in ...
Edna, Edna L
Edna L. Garrett 59, of Bryan, Texas passed away, Wednesday September 03,2014 at Brazos Valley Hospice in Bryan, Texas. Funeral Services are set for Saturday,September 13, 2014 at 11:00a.m at New Jerusalem Baptist Church. Visitation will be held from 10:00a.m to 7:00p.m at ...
Bailey, Jane
Jane Bailey was born in Greenwood, Mississippi on December 7th, 1936 and died in Iola, Texas October 7, 2013. A Celebration of Life will be held Friday, October 11, from 2 to 6 p.m. at the Daniel & Son Funeral Chapel at 401 West 18th St. in Bryan, Texas. She graduated ...
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