Nelson, Helentine, Jack
MRS. HELENTINE “JACK” NELSON-FOLEY, 79 of Bryan passed away Monday, May 26, 2014 at St. Joseph Regional Health Center in Bryan, Texas. Funeral Services will be held on Saturday, May 31, 2014 at 11:00 a.m at Pleasant Grove Missionary Baptist Church, with Revs. Craig ...
Ayers Sr., Herbert C
Herbert C Ayers, Sr. was born on Sep 22 1928 in Goodwill community to, Parents names: John M. Ayers and Rosetta (Brown Ayers Graduated from: Smith High School, was a member/ musician of New Hope Baptist. Herbert enjoyed art, writing, rearranging gospel songs, and farming. He
Johnson Sr, Ezra
Mr. EZRA JOHNSON SR. December 30,1944 – March 30,2014 Mr. Ezra Johnson, Sr 69 of Caldwell, Texas passed away on Sunday, March 30,2014 at Burleson St. Joseph Health Center in Caldwell, Texas. He was born on December 30, 1944 to Ed Johnson and Ruthie Ayers Johnson in ...
Lott, Odessa
Odessa Lott, 102, of Wellborn, Texas passed on Friday,February 28, 2014 at her resident. Visitation will be from10:00a.m. to 7:00pm at Daniel & Son Funeral Home onFriday, March 7, 2014. Funeral Services will be held onSaturday March 08, 2014 at 2:00p.m. at ...
Yarbrough, Mattie Ruth
Mattie Ruth Yarbrough, 75 of Bryan passed on Tuesday February 25, 2014 at St. Joseph RegionalHealth Center.Mattie was born on March 07, 1938 to Joseph andCodella Waters in Gilmer Texas.Mattie confessed her love of Christ at an early age,she was a member of St. James Baptist ...
Williams, Alice Faye
Alice Faye Jones-Williams 68, passed on Friday, February 21, 2014 at Christus St. Elizabeth Hospital of Beaumont,Texas. She was born on June 21, 1945 in Beaumont, Texasto Alex Nobles and Jesse Lee Nobles.Alice accepted Christ at an early age. She was a memberof Cathedral ...
Raymond Earl Brown
Born March 19, 1948 in Marshall, Texas the son of John and Juanita (Burton) Brown. Ray professed Christ at an early age and was baptized at the Moriah Baptist Church in Los Angeles, California. He attended public schools there and graduated from Manual Arts High School. He ...
Mathews, Charlie Mae
“Perhaps you sent a lovely card or sat quietly in a chair. Perhaps you sent a floral piece, if so, she saw it there. Perhaps you spoke the kindest words, as any friend could say, perhaps you were not there at all, just thought of us that day. Whatever you did to console our
Butler, Curtis
Mr. Curtis Manuel Butler,79 passed on February 06,2014 at Rockdale Residence & Rehabilitation Center, in Rockdale, Texas. Funeral services is set for 12p.m.,Saturday,February 15,2014 at Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church of Caldwell, Texas. Visitation will be at 11:00 am
Brown, Raymond Earl
Born March 19, 1948 in Marshall, Texas the son of John and Juanita (Burton) Brown. Ray professed Christ at an early age and was baptized at the Moriah Baptist Church in Los Angeles, California. He attended public schools there and graduated from Manual Arts High School. He ...
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